The Deep, Rich Impact of…. Chocolate!
We often turn to small comforts to bring us a sense of joy, stability, and connection. For many, chocolate is one of those simple pleasures—a treat that goes beyond just taste, offering a moment of happiness, nostalgia, and even a bit of magic. At The Chocolate Room, we’ve seen firsthand how something as simple as a warm cup of hot chocolate or a bite of rich flourless chocolate cake can instantly brighten someone’s day. Sometimes, it’s as simple as just stepping foot inside our doors, and seeing or smelling the deliciousness! Chocolate has been scientifically proven to boost mood. It...
Celebrating 20 Sweet Years!
As we mark our 20th anniversary, we are filled with immense gratitude for every person who has been part of our journey. We’ll never forget opening our doors at 86 5th Ave in Park Slope, Brooklyn, on January 26, 2005. It was an incredibly exciting day for us, and each day we open for business continues to bring tremendous gratification. To our loyal customers, dedicated staff, and supportive partners—thank you for making these years so special. Our story began two decades ago with a simple idea: to create a place where people could enjoy exquisite chocolates and desserts in a...
Holidays at The Chocolate Room
It’s December! And that means holiday time for us in the chocolate world. After twenty years of business, we’ve gotten adept at the rhythms of the holidays, and all the necessary steps towards making it a delicious success. From creating new holiday flavors to ordering supplies, figuring out packaging needs to fulfilling orders, every hour is filled. We’re very grateful for the opportunity to share favorites from the past and introduce new items as well! Jon has decorated the shop with beautiful poinsettias, and pine, as he does every year to create a warm, welcoming, cozy space to enjoy time...
The Surging Cost of Cocoa
For the first time in our 20 years of business, cocoa pricing is reaching a historic high. Spring 2024 brought us news from our suppliers, that we would be seeing a large increase in cocoa prices in the near future. And as warned, the cost of cocoa increased 136% between July 2022 and February 2024.
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